Since Lyndal is worn out after the gardens, I have been assigned the Castle next to the gardens, which we visited the next day. Alnwick (pronounced “Anick”) Castle has been the family seat of the Northumberland’s (various Dukes and Earls) for some nine hundred years. They are obviously a fairly wily and politically savvy lot since having lost the titles and estates several times over the centuries through being caught on the wrong side, they have always managed to find their back through various old school chums etc. who have put in a good word for them with the monarch of the day.

Entering the Castle
Entering the Castle

The castle is the family home for six months of the year and open to the public for the balance. No doubt, apart from helping with the (I imagine stupendous) overheads, public access under the auspices of some sort of Trust is necessary to avoid the punitive taxes, which would otherwise apply to such assets.

The castle has undergone two major restorations. One by the 1st Duke and Duchess in 1750, when they transformed the disused medieval garrison into a luxury 18th century Gothic residence and another century later, the 4th Duke restored the castle again, re-medievalising the more Gothic features of the 1st Duke and Duchess’ castle and transforming the interiors of the keep into the Italianate State Rooms seen today.

It is all kept in beautiful order and some rooms like the magnificent library (which has over 14,000 books including many rare first editions) look quite comfortably lived in with lots of family photos of the current Duke and Duchess and family. If one is so inclined, one can spend quite a lot of time checking out the family and their various doings (ahem).

Library from the gallery
Library from the gallery
Library downstairs
Library downstairs

Other rooms like some of the drawing rooms and the state dining room are less often used by the family and more formally presented. Over the years the Dukes have also been astute collectors – not ones to miss an opportunity – and the Castle is filled with one of the country’s finest private art and furniture collections and an extensive display of Paris, Meissen, and Chelsea porcelain.
The saloon full of masterpieces
The saloon full of masterpieces
The drawing room
The drawing room
The dining room with fourth Earl and renovator extraordinaire on the right
The dining room with fourth Earl and renovator extraordinaire on the right

The third Earl purchased the Cucci cabinets, originally created for Louis XIV of France for the Palace of Versaille. These were out of fashion and so were in storage at the time of the Revolution and missed being pillaged. The surfaces are patterns of birds and flowers crafted from small to tiny pieces of polished semi precious stones and added to all the gold leaf creates the most incredibly opulent pieces of furniture you may ever wish to see. They are virtually priceless and the French would like them back but the family still has the original bill of sale: all kosher and above board.
Larger Cucci cabinet
Larger Cucci cabinet

In 1856 the fourth Earl purchased the vast Camuccini art Collection, one of the last great acquisitions made by an Englishman travelling to Rome, which includes works, by Canaletto, Titian and Van Dyck. These paintings, together with portraits of the various members of the Percy family by leading portrait painters , adorn the walls throughout.

If you feel you have seen Alnwick Castle before, you may be right. Some of the more recent films that have been made here include Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Elizabeth, and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.

Castle grounds
Castle grounds
Looking down from walls
Looking down from walls

Downtown Abbey’s Christmas Special is the only one to be filmed inside the Castle. Apparently the current Duke is a big fan and he and his son acted in an advisory role for the hunting scenes.

So, having hobnobbed with the Duke and Duchess – at somewhat distant remove – it is off to York. Besides I need time to think about all the things I hear I am enthusiastic about in the Alnwick gardens! A bit of consultation with higher authority at York Minster is called for.

Lyndal’s Blog – totally obsessed with the Alnwick Gardens!

With the threat of rain in the next coming days we headed off early to Alnwick to see the Alnwick Gardens whilst the weather held.

The gardens are a registered charity with programs aimed primarily at children, the handicapped and the elderly. The Duchess of Northumberland is one of the Trustee and the main driving force. The gardens are two thirds complete and she is currently raising the remainder of the £80 million needed to complete the overall design.

It is a controversial garden. Many thought it should be a traditional formal garden to complement the castle and others thought the Duke should have donated the land and $8 million to parks and gardens around the town – none of which would have brought in the huge amount of money to Alnwick that the gardens do.

We found it to be a garden full of fun and inspiration and Ed and I had practically redesigned our garden by the time we had finished. It has a lot of quirky features and has enormous appeal for people of all ages, particularly children.

When you pass through the archway into the garden, it is impossible to miss the Grand Cascade. The Grand Cascade is the largest water feature of its kind in the country. Every minute, thousands of gallons of water tumble down a series of weirs, with water displays on the hour and the half hour. Jets of water shoot up into the air and splash on the terrace as children run underneath them. Children also collect water from the water walls at the foot of the Grand Cascade in John Deere’s mini tractors.

The Grand Cascade with children on tractors
The Grand Cascade with children on tractors
Water spouts coming down cascade
Water spouts coming down cascade

We had lunch overlooking the Grand Cascade and then wandered through the bamboo labyrinth. No escaping bamboo roots here! The whole area is planted on built up beds on concrete and provides a cool, leafy walk that is amazingly difficult to exit.
Bamboo Labyrinth. Only dead fish swim with the stream
Bamboo Labyrinth. Only dead fish swim with the stream
No escaping bamboo here!
No escaping bamboo here!

We eventually found our way out into the magnificent Rose Garden with pathways below pergolas swathed in roses, honeysuckle and clematis. Though it was a little early in spring it must be magnificent later on with masses of fragrant roses, a mix of climbing, shrub, old, and English varieties. There are more than three thousand David Austin Roses, including a beautiful new English rose, the Alnwick Rose, launched at RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2001.
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Fox statue from original Rose Garden
Fox statue from original Rose Garden
Rose Garden walkways
Rose Garden walkways
Overview of Rose Garden
Overview of Rose Garden

Walking higher up the garden from the Rose Garden we came to an area of clipped yew and beech hedges overlooking the Serpent Garden.
Looking up over Serpent Garden to tubes in hedges
Looking up over Serpent Garden to tubes in hedges
Tube in hedge featuring a water fountain
Tube in hedge featuring a water fountain
One of the 8 fountains in Serpent Garden
One of the 8 fountains in Serpent Garden

This garden features a topiary serpent in holly which snakes through the Garden, revealing a different water sculpture hidden in each of its coils. Each of the water sculptures are designed to show a different aspect of water and how it can be made to look and move. Inserted into the yew hedges were viewing tubes, each highlighting a different fountain.
Bluebell Wood
Bluebell Wood

We made our way through the Bluebell Wood up to the Venetian gates at the top of the Grand Cascade and into the Ornamental Garden; a structured garden brimming with plants and my favourite place. Here an intricate planting pattern is created with flowers and fruit and surrounded by pleached crab apples. There are pathways bordered by lavender and fruit trees and quiet places to sit and catch the sun.
Italian Gates to Ornamental Garden
Italian Gates to Ornamental Garden
Ornamental Garden
Ornamental Garden
Ornamental pool in centre
Ornamental pool in centre

Ornamental pool
At it’s center lies a pool that spills into the rills that run throughout the Garden, and into two small secret gardens. Beds of bedding roses and delphiniums are edged in box, while cut flower species grow with annuals and bulbs alongside small fruit varieties.

We particularly liked the woven mounds of beech, which they used to keep all the taller varieties from falling over as well as the way plants were staked. Ed is right into pleached trees!!

Beech cuttings used for support
Beech cuttings used for support
Beech baskets.  The plants grow through the baskets and then the whole lot is mulched after flowering
Beech baskets. The plants grow through the baskets and then the whole lot is mulched after flowering
Pleached crab apples.  Ed's favourite!
Pleached crab apples. Ed’s favourite!

From the Ornamental Garden you can go down the side of the cascades through the many hornbeam pergolas which follow the stone curves, their windows looking onto the water and their twig chandeliers hanging from above
Looking down the Grand Cascade to the Pavilion
Looking down the Grand Cascade to the Pavilion
Hornbeam arbours
Hornbeam arbours
Hornbeam walkways
Hornbeam walkways
Twig Chandeliers
Twig Chandeliers

OR you can go down through the Cherry Orchard, which is planted with over 300 Tai Haku cherry trees. The trees are underplanted with daffodils, jonquils and 50,000 Purple Sensation Alliums (which come out a little later), and pathways meander amongst them, with azalea borders planted at the Orchard’s edge.
Cherry Walk looking up
Cherry Walk looking up
Ducks in Cherry Walk
Ducks in Cherry Walk
Cherry Walk looking down
Cherry Walk looking down

At the bottom is the Poison garden where, behind locked gates, are many varieties of deadly plants – some only displayed with Home Office approval. This is very popular with children and adults alike and is only accessed by guided tour. The guides are well into the spirit of things and play it up really well though we did wonder when they asked us whether it was true that more animals died from the fumes of burning oleander than from the bushfire itself!!
Poison Garden with guide weaving a terrible tale
Poison Garden with guide weaving a terrible tale

Before you leave the Gardens you come to the enormous and beautifully crafted Treehouse, which is built from Canadian cedar, Scandinavian redwood and English and Scots pine. It sits high in the treetops in a copse of mature lime trees and looks as if it’s been there forever. There are walkways in the sky and wobbly rope bridges for bouncing on as well as a café in the ‘potting shed’.
Tree house
Tree house
Heading for coffee
Heading for coffee

At the heart of the Treehouse is one of the most beautiful and unique restaurants to be found anywhere in the world. There’s a roaring log fire in the center of the room, trees growing through the floor, handcrafted furniture and screens created from fallen branches. Unfortunately you have to book a long time ahead and we were unable to get in.
Treehouse restaurant
Treehouse restaurant

Underneath the Treehouse is the Woodland Walk where the path is lined with mature trees, wild garlic and, in spring, bulbs carpet the ground. Sculpture exhibitions are tucked in among the trees for added interest.

I could have spent a week there but we only had 5 hours and then it was back to our lovely B&B, a warm welcome from Bill and Jean and a comfortable night before tackling Alnwick Castle the next day –but that is Ed’s blog!

Our room at B&B
Our room at B&B

Wild Romantic Scenes

Rogie falls

Awesome scenery
Awesome scenery
Snow mountain 5Snow mointain 3
Loch Maree from Glen Doherty
Loch Maree from Glen Doherty
Loch and snow mountain 2
Our narrow winding road
Our narrow winding road

From Inverness we took a more northerly indirect route to the Isle of Skye through the towns of Achnasheen, Kinlochewe, Shieldaig and Lochcarron. On the way we passed Rogie Falls, Loch Luichart, with Sgurr a’Mhuilinn, Fionn Bheinn and many other mountains to the left and right. We passed the head of Loch Maree and finally arrived on the West coast. All the high hills and mountains were dusted with snow. Not far from East to West coast in Australian terms but nonetheless a wild and remote landscape with single lane roads that wound their way through the valleys
Salmon Platter
Salmon Platter

We stopped at “Nannys” in Sheildaig, famous for its local seafood. The Loch Torridon squat lobsters and live creel-caught langoustine being out of season we settled for a salmon platter with salmon in all forms (salmon pate, hot and cold locally smoked salmon all served with the renown Viv’s Dill Sauce) followed by beetroot chocolate cake – very yummy and something I’m definitely going to try. It was then back on the goat tracks and on to Eilean Donan Castle.
Loch and snow mountain 2House by Loch
Goat track through the mountains
Goat track through the mountains
Eilean Donan Castle scenery
Eilean Donan Castle scenery
Eilean Donan Castle
Eilean Donan Castle
Planning the restoration of the castle.  Amazing wax figures which were incredibly lifelike
Planning the restoration of the castle. Amazing wax figures which were incredibly lifelike
The Banqueting Hall
The Banqueting Hall

Lt Col John Macrae-Gilstrap and his wife, an American heiress rebuilt it at considerable cost over 20 years from 1911 – 193 using it as a family home until quite recently. It is still owned and run by the family as tourist attraction in immaculate style. It was at Eileen Donan that we purchased a highland cow – her name is Morag and she will be arriving at Stradbroke at much the same time as us.
Our beds with fur duvets
Our beds with fur duvets
View from our window
View from our window
Creels for lobsters
Creels for lobsters

That night we stayed in the pretty little town of Kyleakin on Skye and in the morning drove across to the West side of the Isle via a road recommended to us by our hostess as the way to see “the real Skye”. It was only 15 miles (25km) from one side to the other but took an hour each way via the single lane bitumen road. Nowhere to move over except in “passing bays” every 500m or so. The locals would come charging down this road in “take no prisoners style” around the blind corners whereupon you would make a dive for the nearest passing bay and hope to miss.
Crossing the Isle of Skye
Crossing the Isle of Skye
Isle of Skye bothy
Isle of Skye bothy

A more wild and barren landscape you could not imagine with some of the worlds hardiest sheep farmers.

After leaving Skye (rather relieved to survive that road) we drove on to Dumbarton on the outskirts of Glasgow. The way took us past many lochs, through Glen Shiel, Glen Garry and the fabulous Glen Coe; on past Ben Nevis, highest mountain in the UK, and down the shore of Loch Lomond. It was a misty Scottish day with the mountaintops hidden in cloud, but nonetheless spectacular.

Crossing the pass to Loch Lomond
Crossing the pass to Loch Lomond
Training ground for the British Commandos
Training ground for the British Commandos
Is this Morag?  No, just a cow we came across on the way
Is this Morag? No, just a cow we came across on the way
Weather deteriorating as we got higher
Weather deteriorating as we got higher

We stopped for dinner at the historic Drovers Inn, which has been dispensing Scottish hospitality for the past 310 years. It was used by the Highland drovers, who used to drive their cattle down the side of Loch Lomond to the markets. The decor and furniture, in deference to the past, look as though they have not been changed or altered for a couple of hundred years. We both tried their steak and ale pie, which came highly recommended by Trip Advisor!
The Drover's Inn
The Drover’s Inn
Drovers inn
A comfortable night in a Dumbarton motel and then on to Alnwick.

Up to the land of the warring Highland Clans

Sadly we farewelled “Sonya” and headed north.

Heading North
Heading North
Snowing in the Pass
Snowing in the Pass

First stop was the site of the Battle of Culloden which was not, as we had previously believed, a battle between the English and the Scots but was a civil war based on religious lines with clans on both sides.

The visitors center was very good and well worth a visit. It was freezing cold so we didn’t walk the battlefield but instead went into an active display where you stand in the middle and all four walls run a film on the battle. It starts off with the troops lined up on the ridges in the distance and finishes with you in the thick of the battle. Very graphic and quite disturbing. The battle only lasted an hour and was a massacre. A good example of how not to run a campaign with Bonny Prince Charlie and his commanders in disagreement all the way along

Urquhart Castle and Loch Ness
Urquhart Castle and Loch Ness

From there we headed to Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle. All the old castles are, of course, located on hilltops, lakesides etc. for defensive purposes so the scenes are uniformly spectacular. . Urquhart Castle has a long history dating back to the Picts. It was blown up by the last inhabitants who, sick of defending it against the Lords of the Isles, the MacDonalds, and others, blew it up and retreated south to their other estates. Hence the ruins which are still impressive.

Loch Ness is a lot bigger than I had imagined – you could hide a lot of monsters in there and no doubt they are all swimming up and down laughing at us, but we didn’t see one. A few whiskeys would surely be needed to help my eyesight.
Inverness 2

Inverness 1
We stayed the night in Inverness in an 1876 Mansion House owned, unsurprisingly by a MacDonald. Lovely spacious room but their restaurant was a bit mixed. To (Ed) my amazement (somewhat tinged by nostalgia) I saw that my “medium rare” rump steak had been hammered and well done a la Mrs. Paul. No more steaks while in UK.

Lochardil House
Lochardil House
Staircase in the entrance
Staircase in the entrance
Tapestry Room
Tapestry Room

Next day on to Isle of Skye via a more northerly route to see more of the Highlands

“Sonya” – Home away from Home

After a few false starts we finally made it to Falkirk and on a beautiful warm sunny day were introduced to our new home for the next week, “Sonya”.


She may only be narrow but has all the comforts you could want including wi-fi, central heating and plenty of storage. We did a shop at Tesco and stocked up so that we could have most of our meals on board, which meant we could tie up in the countryside and not crowd in with the other boats in the town
Looking down to front deck where the ever vigilant deckie keeps watch
Looking down to front deck where the ever vigilant deckie keeps watch
Lounge, dining and kitchen
Lounge, dining and kitchen
Crew's quarters
Crew’s quarters
Wee small room
Wee small room
Captain's bunk
Captain’s bunk
Captain's domain
A long way to shout
A long way to shout

We were given a brief run down at Falkirk and then it was straight into the first lock up to the Falkirk Basin. Being Easter it was crowded with holidaymakers who lined the rails taking photos – talk about a baptism of fire! On the green light we motored across the basin and into the gondola where the Scottish lock people positioned us for our ride aloft. Ed did extremely well with his steering and we rose in the air in great style! Two more locks and a long tunnel and we were on our way along the Union Canal.
Captain Edgar
Captain Edgar
The dreaded cill - if you get the back of the boat on this going down you take a nosedive
The dreaded cill – if you get the back of the boat on this going down you take a nosedive
Up the first lock and heading for the Wheel
Up the first lock and heading for the Wheel
Falkirk Wheel
Falkirk Wheel
Departing the Wheel to start our journey
Departing the Wheel to start our journey
Falkirk Tunnel  - 631m long through solid rock and one boat width wide
Falkirk Tunnel – 631m long through solid rock and one boat width wide
First night anchorage - toasting the fact we made it up the locks and wheel
First night anchorage – toasting the fact we made it up the locks and wheel

We decided before we left that we were going to take things at a slow pace as we had been on the move for the previous couple of weeks. This meant a leisurely breakfast, tidy up before motoring off down the canal and mooring again about 4pm for afternoon tea followed by a brisk walk along the canal, drinks and nibbles followed by dinner and bed around 9.30pm

Swan and ducks
Swan and ducks
Nesting swan
Nesting swan
St Michael's Parish Church next to Linlithgow Palace
St Michael’s Parish Church next to Linlithgow Palace
Rook's nests
Rook’s nests

As the boats only go at walking pace (we had numerous children on the tow path racing us – and winning) you have plenty of time to see the scenery and watch the various birds and animals on the way. We were extremely lucky with the weather and only had one cold day. The rest were sunny and pleasant though the winds were cool and we welcomed the central heating in the evening.
Sheep and lambs outside our window.  Very noisy as they keep losing each other
Sheep and lambs outside our window. Very noisy as they keep losing each other
Golf course with a big water hazard
Golf course with a big water hazard
Daffodils, jonquils and primroses
Daffodils, jonquils and primroses
Some of the numerous ducks on the canal
Some of the numerous ducks on the canal
Community gardens along the bank
Community gardens along the bank
Beautiful little cemetery by canal
Beautiful little cemetery by canal
Banks of snowdrops and daffodils
Banks of snowdrops and daffodils
Canal at dusk
Canal at dusk
Having a naughty on the canal!
Having a naughty on the canal!
Resting on the bank
Resting on the bank
Avon Aqueduct - 250m long
Avon Aqueduct – 250m long
Looking over the side of the Avon Aqueduct
Looking over the side of the Avon Aqueduct
Family outing going over the Avon Aqueduct
Family outing going over the Avon Aqueduct
Ratho basin
Ratho basin

Over the next week we got to know Sonya well, including all her peculiarities, as we crashed into banks, ran aground and tried to moor with the wind against us. By the end of the week we were dab hands at steering a straight line through narrow bridges, mooring on canal banks with shallow edges, rafting off other boats to reach the elusive water taps and turning a 58 ft boat in a 55 ft turnaround.
Cartoon 2
In Scotland the Scottish Lock Authority handles all the locks and swing bridges. In Wales you have to do it yourself . The fact that Ed is now pretty good with a long boat and Lyndal can steer (except when she panics at narrow right angle bridges and puts the boat under low lying branches and nearly knocks Ed off) will be a great help.
Cartoon 1
Ed :
A 58’ / 17.6m canal boat with a small diesel engine is a very peculiar marine beast. The whole thing is built like the proverbial in something like 10mm steel – it must weigh a gadzillion tons. I have learnt the hard way that slower is better most of the time ! Momentum is king ! When you put the rudder over and it starts swinging you better be ready to put the rudder the other way to stop it otherwise it just takes over and carries on regardless into the bank, particularly if the wind is blowing against you. It has been great fun learning anyway, and we are finding more and more use for the barge pole in turning the thing around – no wonder they put one on board as standard equipment. (most of the canal is much narrower than the length of the boat – you have to continue along some miles until you find a turning basin the right size).
Going down the Wheel
Going down the Wheel
Waiting to go down the lock with the camera clicking crowd watching every move
Waiting to go down the lock with the camera clicking crowd watching every move
Down we go
Down we go

We leave the Sonya behind tomorrow and head for Inverness. Before we go we are off to see The Kelpies at Falkirk. These are giant sculptures of the mythical horses that are supposed to haunt the lochs and waterways of Scotland and loom over the beginning section of the Forth and Clyde Canal. They are lit at night and quite spectacular
The Kelpies during the day
The Kelpies during the day
The Kelpies at night
The Kelpies at night

Of Castles and Kings

We had an easy and pleasant drive into Edinburgh and found the hotel with no trouble – can’t imagine doing this without a GPS!! Having spent most of the day in the Lakes District we didn’t get there until evening so spent the rest of the day sorting through luggage and organizing things for the canal boat. It was deemed that a pillow, torch and wine etc. were necessary items that had to be acquired before we left.

The next day was drizzly and cold so we hopped on a Hop on Hop off bus with an amusing and knowledgeable guide and toured the city being regaled with stories of times past. The notorious Burke & Hare, who murdered their lodgers to supply bodies to the medical school and the little dog Greyfriars Bobby are all marked by pubs.

We passed George Heriot’s School, which is a prestigious private school in Edinburgh, with four houses and four towers – a clear inspiration for Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Elephant Café where J. K. Rowlings wrote the Harry Potter series is nearby, as is the cemetery where she got the inspiration for the names of many of her characters

George Heriot's School
George Heriot’s School

We spent quite a few hours at Edinburgh Castle – thousands of people from all parts of the world and cashmere everythings at exorbitant prices.
Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Entrance to Castle
Entrance to Castle
Guardian of the Castle
Guardian of the Castle
View of new city from Castle
View of new city from Castle
Cannons protecting the entrance
Cannons protecting the entrance
View through cannon port
View through cannon port
Tower where The Honours are kept
Tower where The Honours are kept
Crown Jewels - The Honours
Crown Jewels – The Honours
War Memorial in Edinburgh Castle
War Memorial in Edinburgh Castle

We had an audio guide explaining the history and went into several of the museums including the one that housed the Crown Jewels of Scotland (The Honours) and heard the tale of Oliver Cromwell’s determination to destroy The Honours, as he had the Crown Jewels of England, and the equal determination of the Scots to ensure he didn’t. We also visited the Scottish War Memorial on the site.

Back on the bus we passed The Deacon Brodie Tavern built on the place that the nefarious Deacon Brodie was executed. His double life as the respectable tradesman and daring thief is said to have been the inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson’s story of “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”.

Deacon Brodie's Tavern
Deacon Brodie’s Tavern

We also passed a statue of King George IV which we were informed, in serious tones, was very flattering as in truth he was “a wee fat man in a short kilt and pink tights with bad teeth and very bad breath”. Obviously our Scottish guide had firm opinions on British Kings

We thought we might go back and have dinner at The Deacon Brodie Tavern but by the time we completed our shopping and got back to the hotel our enthusiasm had waned. We had a look in a pub close to the hotel but it was packed and the noise level extreme so we adjourned to the restaurant attached to the hotel and had a stunning, if expensive, meal of scallops, venison and panacotta/fruit crumble.

With the car packed and ready and the GPS set for the Falkirk Wheel we were ready to head for the canals.

Bassen’s Place

We entered the magnificent Lake District after one of the longer drives of our trip. One of the features our Swedish Commodore has which is of great benefit on the motorways is a radar assisted cruise control which automatically keeps the correct distance from the car in front. The traffic density on the motorways here is such that a standard cruise control would be of limited use.

Our first stop was Windermere on Lake Windermere and we were greeted as we stepped out of the car by a howling North Westerly (South Westerly Down Under) with, alternately, sleet, freezing rain, sunshine and hail. We quickly shelved the idea of an idyllic boat cruise on the lake (!) and settled for a brief promenade along with the zillion other tourists – yes it was indeed the start of the Easter holidays – a point which we had overlooked until now.

NOT cruising on Lake Windermere
NOT cruising on Lake Windermere
Strong wind off the snow
Strong wind off the snow
Swans coming in for a feed
Swans coming in for a feed

Back to the car and on to Lake Bassenthwaite. The crowds diminished as we went North – those old Bassenthwaites obviously knew a thing or two – and we arrived at the very pleasant old world tourist lodge Ravenstone Manor, just a couple of miles south of Bassenthwaite village. After settling in we hopped back in the car and drove up to the village for a beer at “The Sun”. Naturally we drank “Bassenthwaite Beauty” – quite a respectable beer.

Lounge at Ravenstone Manor
Lounge at Ravenstone Manor
Solid oak staircase at Ravenstone
Solid oak staircase at Ravenstone
Our room at Ravenstone Manor
Our room at Ravenstone Manor
Snowing outside our window
Snowing outside our window
Sun Inn at Bassenthwaite
Sun Inn at Bassenthwaite
The only beer to drink in town!
The only beer to drink in town!
We serve everyone at The Sun, Bassenthwaite
We serve everyone at The Sun, Bassenthwaite

We dined at the Hotel and next day, not quite so windy but still changeable, we went looking for Beatrix Potter’s “Hill Top Farm” via the back roads (not strictly intentional) and experienced much of the narrow one car wide lanes bounded by stone walls, hoping no one was coming the other way.
Lake District countryside
Lake District countryside
Black sheep in fields
Black sheep in fields
Lake District Hills
Lake District Hills
Spring is Sprung
Spring is Sprung

There is a wild beauty here with the great rounded mountains and timeless stone walled farms and the lakes which make Cumbria a place you must see no matter what.

We finally found “Hill Top” which is faithfully preserved by the National Trust much as Beatrix Potter left it. Many of the scenes she drew for her books were sketched here and you can see Mr. McGregors garden, the watering can which Peter Rabbit hid in, the chimney Tom Kitten climbed up and many other scenes. She was also a highly respected breeder and judge of sheep and the descendants of her flock are still on the farm.

Beatrix Potter's House
Beatrix Potter’s House
Mr McGregor's Garden atill Top Farm
Mr McGregor’s Garden atill Top Farm

That night we dined at “the Sun” on traditional pub fare. In the morning we visited ancient St Bega’s on the Lake shore and St John’s in the Village and signed the church visitors register in both places. At St John’s we noted in recent years visits by other Bassingthwaightes from Vancouver, Seattle and Dubbo.

St Bega through the trees with Lake Bassenthwaite behind
St Bega through the trees with Lake Bassenthwaite behind
Ed outside St Bega's
Ed outside St Bega’s
Inside St Bega
Inside St Bega
Churchyard at St Bega's
Churchyard at St Bega’s
Bassenthwaite Village
Bassenthwaite Village
Bassenthwaite School
Bassenthwaite School

Bassenthwaite Hall Farm
Bassenthwaite Hall Farm
Ducks at stream through Bassenthwaite
Ducks at stream through Bassenthwaite
Stone bridge at Bassenthwaite
Stone bridge at Bassenthwaite

St John's at Bassenthwaite
St John’s at Bassenthwaite
Interior of St John's
Interior of St John’s
Morning tea in the sun outside St. John's
Morning tea in the sun outside St. John’s
View from morning tea at St John's
View from morning tea at St John’s

Then it was on to Edinburgh.


Why are you going to Coventry?

This seemed to be the reaction by most people over here to our itinerary and indeed we were asking ourselves the same thing after a perilous journey through the roundabouts on the way to our very budget hotel (yes we’ve been spoiled), then dragging our luggage from an adjoining car park in the rain because they had no parking or anywhere to stop.

This feeling was further reinforced on our drawn out search for a decent pub to have our evening meal. Indeed it was mentioned out loud that why, when Coventry was bombed, didn’t they knock the rest down and put in some negotiable streets. After numerous dead ends, nearly taking out a police car and several false starts we did find a very nice pub and, after a few drinks and a good meal, things started to look up.

Back at the hotel Ed had a brimming hot bath (to get his monies worth) and we both had a good nights sleep and a great breakfast.

The next day we headed for the Cathedral and spent a really interesting day in the ruined Cathedral and then down to the new Cathedral, which I loved. Its modernist design was fairly controversial but has become a hugely popular symbol of reconciliation. The architect insisted that instead of re-building the old cathedral it should be kept in ruins as a garden of remembrance and that the new cathedral should be built alongside, the two buildings together effectively forming one church.

It has some lovely chapels, in particular the Chapel of Christ in Gethsemane, and some sensational stained glass work. We particularly liked the bowed window behind the baptismal font (which is a boulder from Bethlehem). Unfortunately the huge tapestry behind the altar was down for cleaning

We had a walk through the Holy Trinity Church and admired the courage of Rev Graham Clitheroe, vicar of Holy Trinity at the time of the bombing. He, along with his curate and one of his sons, throughout one of the heaviest and most concentrated raids of the blitz, spent the night walking up and down on the ancient rounded roof of the church, throwing the small incendiary bombs off. Next door, only about 50 metres away, the cathedral blazed after direct hits, as well as the ammunition factories nearby.

The Coventry raid was the first major raid in WW2 in which radio beam navigation was used to guide bombers to a target.

Our last stop was the Coventry Transport Museum. We didn’t realize what a big part Coventry played in the development of the bicycle and later the motorbike and car. The Museum is very interesting as you trace the first penny farthing bikes, through to racing bikes, the original cars through to the latest Jags and finally the different models of land speed record breakers, including the first vehicle to break the sound barrier and set a new land speed record.

As we left the next morning and the boom gate lifted to let us out of the car park, an enormous gust of wind ripped it out of its moorings and hit us a glancing blow
(no damage) before collapsing in a heap of wood and wires. Is there some significance in that?

Bombing statistics
• 522 German bombers took off from France.
• 21 bombers made a diversionary raid on London, 22 more laid mines on the Thames.
• 449 bombers (according to German records) actually reached Coventry.
• 1 enemy aircraft officially shot down by anti-aircraft guns. Another claimed but not confirmed.
• 135 sorties flown by defence aircraft, only two actually opened fire on bombers, but none shot down.
• 881 canisters containing a total of around 30,000 incendiaries were dropped.
• 64 light capacity flare-bombs were dropped.
• Between 1,200 & 1,600 high explosives and oil bombs, totalling 503 tons, were dropped.
• The high explosives contained a mixture of between 50kg and 500kg in weight.
• Among the HE’s were around 50 parachute mines (also known as land-mines) weighing 1,000kg each.

Ruined cathedral
Ruined cathedral
Ruined Cathedral viewed through glass wall of angels
Ruined Cathedral viewed through glass wall of angels
Close up of angels
Close up of angels
The bow window behind the baptismal font
The bow window behind the baptismal font
Baptismal font.  Rock from Bethlehem and carved by local artist
Baptismal font. Rock from Bethlehem and carved by local artist
Cathedral looking towards altar with stark concrete columns
Cathedral looking towards alter with stark concrete columns
Looking back from the altar where the concrete columns minimise and the stained glass windows appear
Looking back from the altar where the concrete columns minimise and the stained glass windows appear
Christ in Gethsemane
Christ in Gethsemane
Holy Trinity Church
Holy Trinity Church
Interior of Holy Trinity Church
Interior of Holy Trinity Church
Rev Clitheroe who fought to save his church
Rev Clitheroe who fought to save his church
Early bicycles
Early bicycles
Early motorbike
Early motorbike
1890 Riley
1890 Riley
Could be tempted! Jaguar C-X75
Could be tempted! Jaguar C-X75
My Car!  1953 Jaguar XK120 FHC
My Car! 1953 Jaguar XK120 FHC
Thrust SSC.  SSC stands for Super Sonic Car.  It lived up to its name as it was the first car to go through the sound barrier.  It achieved a speed of Mach 1.03
Thrust SSC. SSC stands for Super Sonic Car. It lived up to its name as it was the first car to go through the sound barrier. It achieved a speed of Mach 1.03
Thrust SSC.  Is it a car or a plane?
Thrust SSC. Is it a car or a plane?

Taking the waters of Bath

Laden with our bakery efforts we set forth to Bath via Lyme Regis. Ian (the chef from our B&B) had recommended a friend of his as a cheese maker and had rung him up to organize some cheese and wine to go with our bread.

Lyme Regis is a very popular tourist town on the coast. We walked down through the beachside gardens to the Tower Cheese Shop checking out the specialty shops on the way. After having made our purchases and adding a cheeseboard and a couple of thermoses we were ready to roll.

We had the time so avoided the motorways and made our way to Bath via the secondary roads. Our stop in Bath was at a beautiful Georgian B&B called Apsley House. We had a room right at the top of the building – great view but no lift!!

By this time we were so relaxed we didn’t know what day it was as evidenced by our turning up at the theatre a day early. There we were all done up in our best and settled into our great seats when the rightful owner of the seats turned up. Fortunately for us the theatre pacified them with some other seats and we got to stay and enjoy the performance in this stunning little theatre.

Next day it was down into Bath and on to the Big Red Bus for an overview (and to shelter from the drizzle). By the time we were on our second time around we had ourselves sorted and hopped off at the Royal Crescent and made our way into No. 1 – an interesting example of Georgian life during Bath’s heyday.

From there we did all the Bath attractions – and loved them. The Roman Baths, the Assembly Room which had an exhibition of Fashion through the Ages which was really great, the Pump Room, the Abbey and finishing off with a Bath bun at Sally Lunn’s. We wandered through the Circus and Queen Square and admired the architecture and even did some shopping.

Next day we did a tour of the outskirts of Bath and were regaled with stories of highwaymen and turnpikes before packing up our bags and headed for Coventry.

Lyme Regis Boat Harbour
Lyme Regis Boat Harbour
Apsley House
Apsley House
Lounge at Apsley House
Lounge at Apsley House
View from our window - the advantage of being up high!
View from our window – the advantage of being up high!
No 1 Royal Crescent
No 1 Royal Crescent
The Parlour at No. 1
The Parlour at No. 1
Main Roman Baths
Main Roman Baths
The Royal Crescent - the most fashionable address
The Royal Crescent – the most fashionable address
The Circus - this is one quarter of the circle - 2nd most fashionable address
The Circus – this is one quarter of the circle – 2nd most fashionable address
Bath Abbey
Bath Abbey
Abbey Interior
Abbey Interior
Abbey stained glass window
Abbey stained glass window

A tale of two bakers

Down we went on the farm cart pulled by a tractor to the River Cottage Cooking School at River Cottage HQ. We had been warned the previous night that the day was going to be tough and exhausting by two of the previous day’s participants, who staggered in and collapsed at the bar of our fabulous B&B.

Dead on 10am we started. A quick discussion on different types of flours and we were away. Eight eggs to be folded and kneaded into the flour for the brioche then on to the baguettes, which had to be ready for lunch, then on to the sourdough and the rolling and folding of the croissants. By 2 o’clock we were in a state of frenzy and reeling on our feet but our baguettes were cooked and perfect and the River Cottage lunch was great.

For the rest of the day we rolled, folded and proved our baking items and at the end of the day we had, between us, 8 baguettes, 2 round loaves of sourdough, 12 brioche buns and 12 croissants – and Andy, the teacher, declared us to have qualified for the title of bakers.

We had a look round the River Cottage dining room and kitchen, where all the filming is done and also round the vegetable garden ready for spring planting and then back up the hill and back to our B&B.

The White House Hotel and B&B is in the very pretty village of Charmouth, which is on the coast. It is a listed Regency house, beautifully restored and has 4 guest bedrooms, all very spacious with a huge bathroom and wonderful bath.

Ian and Liz were our hosts and we had dinner there the first night. Ian is a chef and it was a brilliant meal, imaginative and well executed, one of the nicest meals I have eaten in a long time. We were very flattered when Ian tasted our baking and then said he would be happy to serve it in the restaurant. We offloaded all but a couple of baguettes, one loaf of sourdough, some croissants and some brioche..

We had previously booked dinner that night at River Cottage Canteen so, somewhat reluctantly, changed and went out again. So glad we did. It was a fun menu with lots of different things. I had warm pheasant breast salad with pig’s ear bacon, apple and hazelnut dressing and Ed had two entrees , mackerel gravadlax and air dried shaved venison (and a beer……)

Next on to Bath

Devon countryside
Devon countryside
Charmouth Beach
Charmouth Beach
White House Hotel
White House Hotel
Our bedroom at White House
Our bedroom at White House
Living Room at White House
Living Room at White House
Ed with baguettes and brioche
Ed with baguettes and brioche
Sourdough and croissants
Sourdough and croissants
Kitchen at River Cottage
Kitchen at River Cottage
River Cottage dining room
River Cottage dining room
Verge garden at River Cottage
Verge garden at River Cottage

Places I could have lingered longer – The Isle of Wight

Felt quite at home catching the car ferry across (though our guys are a lot more efficient at loading). Sailed quite close to the American aircraft carrier ‘Theodore Roosevelt’ which was interesting.

Aircraft carrier 'Theodore Roosevelt'
Aircraft carrier ‘Theodore Roosevelt’
Loved the Isle of Wight, which seems to be of an earlier time with its quaint villages and country lanes.
Thatched cottage at the crossroads
Thatched cottage at the crossroads
Church Road in Shanklin
Church Road in Shanklin
Country lane well sunk into the surrounding landscape
Country lane well sunk into the surrounding landscape
St. Lawrence Old Church at Seven Sisters
St. Lawrence Old Church at Seven Sisters
Church with daffodils in the gardens
Church with daffodils in the gardens
Rather sorry we didn’t stay a night here though we are a little early in the season for Osborne House (Queen Victoria’s residence) and the rather magnificent Carisbrooke Castle.Carisbrooke Castle

We visited the Ventnor Botanic Gardens, which are located on south facing slopes and grow a wide variety of plants up to subtropical. Very well laid out and an interesting walk around.

Ventnor Gardens
Ventnor Gardens
Lyndal in GardensThe beaches are quite lovely. Could easily see me having a holiday here. (Ed:not sure about these “beaches” Lindy saw – I must have been looking the other way for a split second!)
Must have been concentrating on his driving and missed these
Must have been concentrating on his driving and missed these
Appley Beach on the Isle of Wight
Appley Beach on the Isle of Wight
Had dinner in another pub. Ed is getting addicted to English pubs and diverts in to a pub every chance he gets to quaff another pint of English ale
Ed outside another pub
Ed outside another pub
Quiet inlet near the ferry
Quiet inlet near the ferry
A chilly return to the mainland
A chilly return to the mainland
Next day was back to the dockyards to inspect the Victorian armored warship the Warrior. She and her sister ship The Black Prince patrolled the Channel and were so formidable and far ahead of everything else the French and Spanish had to offer that they never fired a shot. They were the ultimate deterrent.
HMS Warrior
HMS Warrior
The Warrior was equally as interesting as The Victory and her restoration story almost as epic a story as The Mary Rose. It is brilliantly done and fascinating how they all lived on board for years at a time. It is a mixture of the ‘modern’ and the traditional in weapons as in accommodation. I particularly liked the fact that they had bathrooms and hand cranked washing machines but still used a hole in the deck for the loo.Steering
Gun with moveable tracks
Gun with moveable tracks
Gun deck and crew quarters
Gun deck and crew quarters
Guns at the ready
Guns at the ready
The Kitchen
The Kitchen
Boiler rooms
Boiler rooms
Officers dining room
Officers dining room
And my favourite - the Laundry
And my favourite – the Laundry
On to River Cottage

Great Battles and Royal Indulgences

Saturday saw us off to Battle Abbey where we walked the battlefield of the Battle of Hastings looking at the terrain through the eyes of King Harold then William the Conqueror. A close fought battle between two seasoned campaigners, which could have gone either way. Harold’s army may have been tired having force marched down from the north but he held the high ground and was well entrenched. William had a superior force and was a wily opponent but had to fight his way uphill which limited the use of his heavily laden cavalry and made it difficult for the archers. It was far more interesting than I had expected with great displays of weapons and armor and a v. interesting audio tour. It is popularly conceded that this was the “best battle England ever lost” making way for a strong Britain under Norman rule.

Battle of Hastings from William's viewpoint
Battle of Hastings from William’s viewpoint

The next day we headed for Brighton and the Royal Pavilion for a look at a totally different Royal exploit. What a magnificent example of overindulgence! The dining room and the music room are sensational and the kitchen a delight for any cook.
The Royal Pavilion
The Royal Pavilion
Royal Pavilion dining room
Royal Pavilion dining room
Music Room at Royal Pavilion
Music Room at Royal Pavilion
Royal Pavilion kitchen
Royal Pavilion kitchen

Walked out along Brighton Pier – quite crowded even on a chilly Sunday afternoon. Then headed along to Portsmouth. The driving in UK so far is better than I expected and lots of interesting scenery/ on the secondary roads.
Sunday picnic on the beach
Sunday picnic on the beach

Monday was spent at the historic Naval Dockyard. We walked all the decks of the Victory, which was awe inspiring, then the Mary Rose wreck which was recovered in 1980’s after 400 years on the bottom. More interesting than the hull remnant, which was impressive enough, were all the relics and personal items recovered with the wreck.
The Victory
The Victory
The Admiral's cabin
The Admiral’s cabin
Main deck with 32 pounder guns
Main deck with 32 pounder guns

Off to the Isle of Wight tomorrow

Here we are in England at last.

I am writing this blog overlooking the ocean sitting in the window seat of our warm and comfortable room.

View from window
View from window

The dreaded long flight turned out to be not too bad and we arrived in England to be informed by Hertz that we were in luck and had been upgraded from a medium size car to a luxury car for only a little more! Spent the next 30 minutes trying to work out in our sleep deprived befuddled mind how much a ‘little more’ actually was (take away this, add that, don’t forget to add the bond and the tank of fuel, calculate the savings of a diesel and convert everything).

Came to the conclusion as we hurtled down the motorway towards Hasting in our brand new, never been driven, luxury Volvo with all the bells and whistles including heated leather seats, that it was actually quite a bit more but decided philosophically (and also a little late to change) that as our home away from home for the next 8 weeks it wasn’t too bad.

The Zanzibar Hotel turned out to be everything it boasted and Max made us very welcome. We had a bite to eat, tried out the steam shower and sauna in a hit and miss way (tricky seeing with glasses in a steam room) and fell into bed.

Today we have gone for a long walk along the promenade, explored the old town part of Hastings with it’s cobbled streets and narrow alleyways and had a pint in Ye Old Pump Station.
P1000026P1000023We drove to Eastbourne and partook of a sumptuous afternoon tea at the magnificent The Grand Hotel.

The Grand Hotel at Eastbourne
The Grand Hotel at Eastbourne
Afternoon tea
Afternoon tea

Tomorrow it is a visit to the site of the Battle of Hastings. Having discovered over afternoon tea that our knowledge of the battle is a little sketchy we intend to study it in detail over wine and cheese so to be prepared for the next part of our adventures.

Nearly ready

This time next week we will be in Hastings! Hard to believe that all the preparations are finished and we are nearly ready to go. Only a bit of gardening to do, chooks to go on their ‘holiday’ to Ben and Claire’s and last minute communications with those who are looking after things here. Both getting very excited!

Welcome to our blog!

We wanted to share our travels with family and friends. Travel with us through the English countryside, watch us run aground/get stuck in a loch/fall overboard on the canals of Scotland and Wales, freeze in the Scottish Highlands and catch up with family in Ireland. Hope you enjoy our adventures!