Our Adventure begins….

Here I am sitting on the balcony overlooking the ocean, Waikiki Beach and the famous Halekulani swimming pool – and I have absolutely nothing to do except read, relax and enjoy myself!
June has been an incredibly busy month with lots of tenants to welcome and farewell, our trip to Canberra with Sterling for his holiday with his uncle Vranken, (not an initial success but hopefully improving), catching up with family, welcoming our beautiful granddaughter Lily and attending a lovely celebratory lunch for Mike Tyquin’s 80th birthday.

Departure day arrived and, even though I was still mopping the floor when the taxi arrived, we had the downstairs ready for an incoming tenant, upstairs ready for Clare and Terry to housesit and had packed our bags (16kg for me – a record!)

Despite a slight debacle with changing money (yes, we should have done it days earlier) and a kerfuffle with our Jetstar meals (there has to be an easier way) we had a good flight on the Dreamliner and arrived in Honolulu, only slightly dazed, at 5.50am on the same day we had left. We were picked up at the airport by a very amiable driver and whisked off to the Halekulani to be warmly welcomed and told that our room was ready and we could check in immediately.

That’s us in the middle . A lovely private balcony behind the white wall on the fifth floor

A leisurely buffet breakfast under the palm trees followed by a shower and a sleep was the order of the day and as I write this Ed is still in dreamland.

Our plans are to have a swim in the pool and then the beach and wander into town to have a look around and find a money changer (yes, we should have done it days ago), a little shopping, dinner on our balcony and an early night.